Saturday, August 30, 2008
A Tale of Two...Cup Sizes?????
A Bra's Tale:
Detour On A Daughter's Trip Abroad
As a young woman, Betty Jenkins received a gift from her mother that was meant to attract the attention of young men. But as Jenkins, who is now 94, tells her niece, the attention she got wasn't the kind she was expecting.
"Back then I was very skinny, and I didn't have any curves. I guess my mother got kind of worried, because she didn't think I had enough boyfriends," Jenkins said.
The gift was an inflatable bra that was designed to enhance its wearer's figure. A straw-like tube was used to inflate pads in the cups.
"I was real excited, so I blew and blew to about [size] 32," Jenkins said.
But things didn't go smoothly during a plane trip in South America. The plane was flying near the Andes Mountains when Jenkins began to feel pressure and sensed there was a problem.
It turned out the cabin was not pressurized, and the bra was expanding. [Is this what people mean when they say their "cup runneth over"???]
"As the thing got bigger, I tried to stand up," Jenkins said, "and I couldn't see my feet."
The instructions said that the bra's pads could be inflated up to a size 48.
"I thought, 'What would happen if it goes beyond 48?'" Jenkins recalled.
"I found out what happened," she said. "It blew out."
Only one of the cups burst, Jenkins said. But the noise was loud enough to seize the attention of everyone on the plane.
"The co-pilot came into the cabin with a gun, wondering what had happened. The men all pointed to me."
Jenkins then tried to explain in Spanish what she could hardly explain in English, "that part of your anatomy just blew up."
The plane made an emergency landing, and Jenkins was handed over to the police. She was ordered to strip, as the officers looked for what they assumed could only be a bomb.
After she showed the officers the hole in her bra, Jenkins was allowed back on the plane and her trip continued.
"A month later, I got a bill from the airline for $400," Jenkins said, "for an unscheduled stop."
Her mother enjoyed the story so much that she kept the broken bra. Her mother died in 1967. As for the bra, Jenkins says she no longer has it.
Produced for Morning Edition by Nadia Reiman. The senior producer for StoryCorps is Michael Garofalo. NPR stories
Read the actual article or even better LISTEN to Betty tell the story here:
How many are you, Grandpa?

In this picture of Halle & Grandma B., you'll note the "lone hole" in the top of her grin. This is on display on purpose, as she'd just lost her tooth earlier that day! Halle has such a fondness for her Great-Grandmother. LaRee has a way of making you feel like you are the most important person in the room. She's so good to Halle. Halle loves to "converse". Gab. Vocalize. She can go on and on (and on and on and on) about this or that, usually talking so fast that it's a wonder Grandma can even keep up. Yet Grandma is patient (more patient than I usually am, unfortunately) and really listens to Halle. She makes Halle feel as though what she has to say just might be life-altering. I'm not saying my daughter isn't interesting, mind you, but let's be honest. A 7-Year old's stories can, after a while, sometimes be a bit...what's the word? Lengthy? Exaggerated? Tiresome? Yes, all three at times. But I think Halle knows that when she's around Grandma she's definitely got someone who wants to hear what she has to say.
Speaking of gabbing, I LOVED seeing Halle and Kristen's daughter, Morgan, chat it up. They are only about 18 months apart, but when you are younger, 18 months can be quite a gap developmentally. This time they found they had very common interests (anything Miley or Hannah Montana...ROCK ON!). It was cute to observe them off in the corner, visiting happily and moving their hands around as they spoke with excitement.
Friday, August 29, 2008
20 + 11 =...

I've been teasing him saying he's practically FORTY,
since he's closer to that then he is to twenty!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
"do not question authority. do not question authority. do not question..."
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
boredom-buster bags!
Both kids love the flashcards and they are great to take in the car! Wyatt is more fond of the alphabet ones on the left and Halle likes the more complicated set on the right--it has things like "What do these three things have in common?", etc. I bought a pack of 4 flashcards at Wally's for just a couple bucks. BARGAIN!
I bought a wide-range of assorted buttons (some even look like glass slippers and lady bugs and cars), "jewels", and sparkly fuzzy balls. Then I labelled two ice trays--one identifies colors and the other identifies an item's properties, such as "sparkles" or "soft" or "hard" or "round". It's been neat to watch them sort these little things into many different ways.
(And yes, I know it is unacceptable, incredibly rude, and completely goes against "blog-etiquette" for me to not remember what websites or blogs I got these ideas from. I'd like to give you credit--there are 2-3 sites that inspired these boredom bags--so if you posted any of these crafty schmafty things on your blog or website first, I probably got it from you. Feel free to leave a comment taking deserve it!) I do know one of them at least...Marie at She doesn't read my blog, but if she did, I'd say THANKS, MARIE for all her ingenious, and best of all: simple, ideas!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
O Pioneers! 24th of July Parade
This makes me cry, too. And reminds me of my mom because she loves bagpipes!
It also makes me think of Brett's MBA Graduation, which had bagpipes accompany him and his fellow graduates in the procession. I cried then, too. (It had been a long two years at ASU!)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
fine dining in New York
Thomas Jefferson