For Brett it's more than milkshakes and hamburgers. The Burger Bar is tied to his heartstrings as part of his childhood, a collage of special afternoons spent with grandparents and cooling off in the summer heat with a raspberry milkshake.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
For Brett it's more than milkshakes and hamburgers. The Burger Bar is tied to his heartstrings as part of his childhood, a collage of special afternoons spent with grandparents and cooling off in the summer heat with a raspberry milkshake.
Monday, June 22, 2009
no more teachers, no more books!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
what happens there, stays there. THANK GOODNESS--LET IT STAY!
All spouses were invited.
Here's some pix from the trip:
I took some video of the water show, but it won't load for some reason.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Team DaVinci's Secret Weapon:
We have something you don't have.
We have Brandon Hodge.
Hair net and all.
He is our neighborhood authority in all things "food".
His taste buds are connoisseurs in the field of flavor.
After sampling several of our Burger Prototypes,
he offered his invaluable wisdom and expertise.
Watch out, Iron Chef Teams.
Rivals, heed our warning and prepare yourselves.
We've been counseled by the Yoda of Burgers
and are ready to accept our trophy of superiority!
(Last Thursday we tried out various recipes our team
had been considering. It was a BEEF-FEST at the Taft house.
A recipe was selected, a glimpse of glory revealed.)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Incidentally, on this night of "Burger Sampling",
who do you think it was that conveniently
appeared at my doorstep?
A SPY!!!!
Some people will stop at nothing in their desperation.
This charlatan arrived just as I
was preparing our smorgasbord of hamburgers.
I'd hidden any clues or information that she may
have tried to take back to her team's headquarters in
an attempt to thwart our expected victory on June 20th.
Nice try, fancy pants...
brandon hodge,
iron chef,
kremin campout,
secret weapon
Saturday, June 13, 2009
pinata? why notta? cinco de mayo 2009
our family has something wonderful.
our family has something unique.
our family has an Aunt Heidi.
an Aunt Heidi does stuff like buying a
Dora pinata for her niece and nephews to bust
open on the 5th of May.
just 'cuz.
just 'cuz she knew they'd have fun.
just 'cuz she knows they love candy.
just 'cuz she's cool.
super cool.
our family has something unique.
our family has an Aunt Heidi.
an Aunt Heidi does stuff like buying a
Dora pinata for her niece and nephews to bust
open on the 5th of May.
just 'cuz.
just 'cuz she knew they'd have fun.
just 'cuz she knows they love candy.
just 'cuz she's cool.
super cool.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Is it Belgium or Belgian?
Alright, I know the anticipation has been mounting.
May I formally present to you all my beautiful,
shiny, YUMMY birthday gift:
Isn't it gorgeous? Isn't it divine?
I've wanted one so desperately the past couple years
and now I have one of my very own!
And just to brag a little here...this is the
kind of waffle maker you see at hotels...
the INDUSTRIAL kind!
May I formally present to you all my beautiful,
shiny, YUMMY birthday gift:
I've wanted one so desperately the past couple years
and now I have one of my very own!
And just to brag a little here...this is the
kind of waffle maker you see at hotels...
the INDUSTRIAL kind!
Thanks, Mom & Dad!
I love it!!!
(So much that I think Brett
may be getting jealous.)
P.S. It's a BELGIAN waffle, which is the most common
type of waffle found in the country of BELGIUM.
Monday, June 8, 2009
birthday celebrations, mother's day, & reflecting upon a tender mercy...
* First...MOTHER'S DAY *
Brett and I are excited about the new tradition he's started. This year, he wanted to spend some one-on-one time with his mom and grandma, so he took them out to dinner. I got to thinking about this new tradition and how I'm sure I will love my children's spouses and my grandkids, but that I hope I will have opportunities here and there to have some quiet conversation, alone with my grown children. Anyway, Brett loved it! He mentioned it at least once for every one of the several days following. We hope LaRee & Dixie had fun, too. (That frame Dixie's holding is what we got her for Mother's Day. Her father, Hugo, passed away earlier this year (February). Back in September when Brett's brother, Tanner, left for his mission, I overheard Hugo & LaRee saying their goodbyes to him. Hugo used to be such a talker, but as time had gone on, he became more and more quiet. Sometimes he forgot people or conversations. So maybe it was wrong of me to eavesdrop (kind of hard not to when I'm sitting right next to him at Tanner's setting apart), but I couldn't help but wonder what Hugo would say. His memory had become so poor, did he even really understand what was happening? Instead of being confused, Hugo had never seemed so clear and I experienced a

was a bit of a joke! the kids wanted to play rather
than hold still and "smile"...
Is there anything better???
Then, as if the month of May hadn't already started out so sweet, I had this fanTASTic birthday! It was all the more special because my parents came into town for me and I had my piano recital. I was completely on CLOUD 9!!!
We went out to dinner with Joey (nephew), Cal & Wendy (brother & sister), and Nathan (another nephew) to Outback Steakhouse. I look so smokin' hot in the above picture because during afternoon hours before this I'd been in the middle of baking cookies for my recital refreshments when a pipe upstairs began to leak. After dealing with that fiasco (I now know where to turn our water off...would have been nice to know that beforehand...) and finishing up with the cookie mess (thanks again, Mom (and Halle)! You're still finishing up my cookie-making!), I was to a point where I just did not CARE how I looked and I'd run out of time to clean up really. So yeah...this is me saying, "I'M 29 (for the first time, mind you) AND A MOTHER OF 3 AND A PIANO TEACHER GETTING READY FOR A RECITAL AND MY FLOORS ARE TORE UP GETTING NEW TILE AND OUR HOUSE IS LEAKING WATER, SO IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE WAY I LOOK WHEN I GO OUT TO DINNER, STUFF IT!"
fun I have when I am with them.
Suffice it to say we laugh.
We laugh hard.
And a lot.
They're the best!
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Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson