Carson, you are 3 years old!
Here are some of your favorite things:
Blanky and 'Barkles'
Blanky and 'Barkles'
You love this animal blanket, and I love that! I'm not sure why you took to it so much, but it is a small quilt I made for a Laurel project back in my Young Women days (nearly 14 years ago!). If I'd only known then that the quilt I was putting what felt like sooo much time into would become my baby's favorite, I would never have complained. You also love to sleep cuddled up next to Barkles (Sparkles), the stuffed skunk we bought you in Yellowstone this summer.
President Monson
(or as you like to call them, "berries")

Holding Little Figurines in Hand
You especially love it when you can find it on the hill at nighttime

Bananas & Strawberries
These are definitely your favorite fruits, possibly your favorite food. Particularly the banana - Anytime of day, you are in the mood to peel and scarf it down. Also, you can't begin eating it until you have "answered" it like a telephone.
Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam
(you're favorite primary song)