In my dream, I dreamt Mr. Kelly drove up in a rickshaw (?!) and asked if he could come along.
"Of course!", I tell him. Then I ask someone with a camera to take our picture and when he seems confused by my request, I proceed to gush over him and say things like, "This is the best day of my life!" or "I've seen most of your movies" or "As a teenager my mom was in love with you" and even "Will you teach me to dance like Cyd Charisse?"
The rest of the dream is a blur, but I recall cameo appearances by Judy Garland and the guy that plays the cop on Dumb & Dumber. No matter how it ended, there are worse things than waking up with Gene Kelly on the brain. ;)

And the thing that amazes me most about Gene Kelly is the same thing that blows me away when I watch Fred Astaire - that overabundance of creativity! The moves and ideas they come up with in their dance routines is jaw-dropping. For example, watch this video from It's Always Fair Weather (normally, I'm a big musical fan but I have to admit the lyrics of this song bring a new element to cheesy...however, watch it at least for 2 1/2 minutes. Even a non-musical critic would have to be impressed that Gene could time and pace his skates to reach his marks so precisely and then to TAP dance on skates??? I can barely make it around a rink (not straying too far from the wall, mind you) without falling on my keester!):
I love one fan wrote about Gene Kelly:
"I wonder if he ever falls during his routines.
Oh, wait, he's Gene Kelly. He never falls -
instead the rest of us just fall for him!"