I had been planning (and saving!) for Brett's Christmas present for nearly a year. Since February to be exact. His gift was presented grandly in a baseball hatbox.
The hatbox contained a letter (see the text below), all the money I've saved for the trip--a fine chunk of change that I am so happy to be able to set aside for this, a simulated airline ticket (I did it on the computer and if I do say so myself, it looks pretty darn close to a real paper airline ticket), an airhorn, face paint (we prefer to call it body paint, since Brett plans to go shirtless and paint his chest! just kidding. um, i think.), an giant inflatable "#1" finger, and a super-cool Yankees ballcap.

I wasn’t sure how to wrap this, because I didn’t really have anything to “wrap”. All I know is that ever since I first heard you voice your desire to see the Yankees play in Yankee Stadium during their last season, it became my mission to make at least one little dream in your life come true. However, I didn’t dare purchase game tickets until I knew for sure when you wanted to go (right now they are only available in packages, anyway).
I want us to keep this money (and an airline ticket) set aside until the 2008 season begins. And when it does, I want you and one of your friends to take off for New York for a GUYS Weekend Get-Away! Go with someone who will appreciate the game as much as you will. I want you to go enjoy a Yankees game in all its glory—wear the baseball cap, wave the inflatable blue finger, and eat a hot dog. (Just forgo on the three mugs of beer, please!) Yell at the umpire and cheer for Jeter & Giambi. Go crazy during your stint as a loyal Yankees fan! While you’re in New York, tour the Statue of Liberty or rent a car, driving to Cooperstown to visit the National Baseball Hall of Fame & Museum. My one request is that whatever you do, you’ll promise to take lots of pictures! I want to put together a rockin’ scrapbook page when you return and I’ll need pictures, ticket stubs, and more to do that!
I’m so excited for you to go. It has been a blast planning this and waiting for this moment to give it to you. I hope I haven’t built it up too much and that it will be something you’ll look forward to as much as I have! You are my best friend, the best dad, and the world’s greatest husband. You deserve this, and so much more!
Merry Christmas with lots of love,

It was such a great moment! I was worried I had made too big of a deal of it--that he would be expecting something bigger or better. Brett knew he was getting a trip for Christmas, but didn't know where or when. I think he is as excited about it as I am!
(I love his eyes in the "money" picture--it was just a matter of the camera snapping at the wrong second, but I think it's hilarious. It's like he's saying "Where have you been hoarding all this money???")
Anyway, he keeps insisting he wants to take me, which is so sweet and of course I would love to do NYC with him sometime(maybe for our tenth anniversary), but I feel like the entire point of this trip is the baseball game. I want him to go with someone that knows as much about sports as he does. I love the atmosphere of live sporting events, but I'm the first admit that I would be cheering for the single reason that everyone else is, too, so why not join in? I wouldn't understand what wonderful play had occurred to inspire such a reaction from the crowd.
I'm so pleased Brett will be able to do this. Hopefully seeing the Yankees play in Yankee Stadium during their final year there will be a joyful, memorable experience--something he'll remember the rest of his life!
Wow! What an AWESOME and thoughtful gift. I bet Brett is way excited!
It was great to see you at the party Saturday! Thanks again for getting all the gifts for the kids, they had a blast! I hope your Christmas was wonderful (it sure sounds like it was!)
I hope Brett knows he has the GREATEST WIFE IN THE WORLD. Not many wives do this kinda thing not expecting to come with! Love ya.
Brett, Bret says he is ready to go whenever you are... Just Kidding! Hope, I'm glad that you were able to pull it all off. Fun pictures!
Love and miss you!
What a wonderful, thoughtful gift. I'm sure Brett was very excited. That would be a hard one to keep secret.
Great job, Hope! Ty said Brett was telling him all about it at the house the other night; sounds like he LOVED it! I still think you should go - just have Brett give you a Baseball 101 lesson. It's a pretty easy sport to follow and you'd enjoy seeing first-hand how much he's enjoying the game. Pro baseball games are a lot of fun!
Oh how great!! I love planning and scheming for Todd! I think it brings me more joy than it does for him! It sounds like a great Christmas for your whole family!! It was so good to see you guys at the party!!
You are such a sweet and crafty wife. Can't wait to see you guys sometime soon. Lovies, Missy
What a great idea!! I am sure your husband will have a blast!
UPDATE UPDATE we need an update.
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