So this is totally disgusting, but I wanted to post a new blog and this is what happens to be on my mind today, so...consider yourself warned that what follows is gross and unpleasant (unless you are Mandy or my brother Calvin, who both love this kind of stuff).
I have always had this little tiny mole (colorless) on the top of my spine. It's been there for years. Ten days ago it felt "puffy" and tender. Brett was out of town, so one morning when I was at my mother-in-law's house I asked Dixie to take a look at it. She said it looked like a zit but it had not yet come to a head. She gave me some of her "miracle salve" made by her friend Nancy (stinky stuff, Nance!). But after over a week it still had not come to a head. Instead it felt bigger and more sore. I could feel it when I turned my head or lay on a pillow. And I couldn't quit touching it (which I'm sure only made it worse).
I made an appointment with my doctor so that I could finally identify my new friend as either a tumor or "my twin" (a shout out to all those My Big Fat Greek Wedding fans). Unfortunatly, I could not get in until Wednesday (which is now today). In the meantime, it continued to grow and mystify us.
Last night Brett and I went with other members of our ward to clean the temple (which was a wonderful experience I plan on posting about later). I touched it as I was vacuuming there and noticed that the "bump" felt harder. As though whatever "filled" it was no longer squishy. Instead it was firm and kind of "rolled" underneath my skin if I pushed it around. Hmm. Interesting. And a little concerning.
Then, when I woke up this morning, "my twin" had grown from annoyingly big to grotesquely huge! I could feel pain and pressure in a much broader area, as well as up my neck and into my hairline on the right side. I was so grateful that my doctor's appointment was in just a few hours!
Once I got to the doctor, I could tell it must have been real pretty, because both the nurse (Cindy: nice gal) and the doctor made wide-eyed, scrunched-nosed expressions upon first peek. The doctor said it was about an inch wide in diameter and upon further inspection, jokingly ruled out that I had a twin because she could not find a pulse for the infection. Most likely, what happened was that tiny little mole must have somehow got "knicked" and then infected (maybe when I shaved my back a few weeks ago? ...just kidding).
After a bit of a painful incision, my abscess, to whom I had grown quite attached, was lanced and drained, therefore history. (At least we hope!) I'll spare you the drainage visual... The spot on the back of my neck is still quite tender and surprisingly it still hurts to turn my head and stretch my neck muscles, but hopefully the three Ibuprofen I just downed will take care of my painful reminder!
There really wasn't a point to this post, other than to share my near-gangrenous experience and perhaps make your stomach churn a little. (Hopefully you didn't read this on your lunchbreak!)
Yipes! I am glad that you got it taken care of. How is your search for new recipes? Do you still want to do that with us, or would you rather not since you are doing weight watchers??? Let me know. Love ya...
It wasn't that disgusting. I had something like that on my wrist and had to have it drained.
Don't you love it when your doctor makes a face? Like that haven't seen anything worse than what you have...
I *love* the recipe idea...but I have to admit that unless they are of the "healthier" kind, they won't be of much use to me right now. I worry because of that I will have a hard time fully participating. Perhaps it would be best for me to bow out so that one of your other friends can enjoy it. Thank you anyway--it's a great idea. It's easy to get stuck in a rut with cooking and something like that would help.
P.S. How's Benson's ears?
Sorry to hear about that. It sounds misrable. Thank goodness for a doctor that could take care of it for you. I hope it gets better quickly.
Ahh, thanks for the nasty details of the doctor's trip, Hope! I'm happy to hear it all worked out, although, I must say I was a bit dissapointed to hear that you don't have a twin afterall, too bad! Good luck w/ the pain, hopefully it subsides soon...
PS Another GOOD LUCK on the continuation of the potty-training this week, give that little guy a "good luck - I know you can do it!" from Aunt Lindz.
Ya, that warning made me ecpect much worse. Hope you're on the mend. Ew.
If you change your mind, let me know. I will send you the recipes that seem low fat, low sugar. By the way, I was being snoopy and reading other people's comments... are you potty training Wyatt? McKay is doing pretty good, but if you have tips about night-time or making sure the messy part ends up in the toilet... I would LOVE to hear them!
Why didn't you post a picture of it??
Yummy! That is like my friend I had on my leg...remember? That was my first set of stitches and it was pretty traumatic :)
You know I love that stuff. Thanks for the shout out, by the way. Really, the only thing that could have made that story better it pictures. Sorry, I am a visual learner!
I have the strongest urge to watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding now and have a "bundt". Maybe you should have put some Windex on it. :)
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