For the first time I attended Women's Conference. It definitely won't be the last. They were two wonderful days, packed with lots of laughter, inspiration, and fun. I've been blessed to marry into a family I love as much as my own, so of course I was excited to go with my mother- and sister-in-law.
We attended some memorable classes, hearing speakers that had obviously put much preparation into their messages. It was especially fun for me to hear a former institute teacher, Sue Egan, who began an institute class for young mothers in 2001 (the year Halle was born). It was breakthrough because you could actually take your baby with you, which was so rewarding and wonderful to be able to attend an institute class without worrying about having to make babysitting arrangements. I had always enjoyed her class at "the U" and seeing/hearing her again was as fantastic as I'd expected it to be.

The concert Tuesday night was a riot. Hilary Weeks hosted and she kept us in stitches all night! As part of her "hosting", she kept with the theme of FASHION and between performers, she'd come on stage dressed in a new "fashion statement"
(once was a medieval gown, once was pajamas, and the grand finale was Bo Peep, just to give you an idea). Add to that the amazing performances given by Hilary, Jenny Jordan Frogley, Michael McLean, Kenneth Cope, and Eclipse, and it truly was a night to remember! 

Throughout the concert I tried taking pictures of the performers, but being the Marriott Center we weren't exactly "up front and personal", so I found the best pictures were actually of the performers on the Jumbotron. Kind of lame, I know, but still...it was the best I had to work with considering my camera. Oh, and Dixie's gonna KILL me, but we were laughing about how people were waving the lights from their phones in lieu of lighters to show their enthusiasm for songs.
So here's my favorite shot of my fun mother-in-law getting "into it" (or at least appearing to!). Guess you had to be there, but it was too funny. I love the look on Ashlee's face, too. It's like the teenager eye-roll!
In conclusion, I would highly recommend WC. I will try to go next year, too. I had "the moment" I was waiting for. You know that moment where you suddenly hear a message that you somehow know was just for you and you think,
"Yep. That's it. That's the reason I needed to come. To hear that." The ironic thing is that I went thinking I'd receive some answers to another dilemma I've had for a while now and instead I walk away with something totally different, but so completely more important to my life and necessary for my soul. I don't want to share too much because I almost feel the tender mercies Heavenly Father granted me are sacred and so dear to my heart. But the jist of it was this:
HOW AM I SPENDING MY TIME? DOES IT TRULY REFLECT THE WAY THAT I WANT TO BE IDENTIFIED? WHAT KIND OF BLESSINGS, OR EVEN CONSEQUENCES, WILL COME FROM THE WAY THAT I CHOOSE TO PRIORITIZE MY TIME? I had a little journal with me and when this "epiphany" hit I couldn't scribble the thoughts in my head fast enough. I know--
KNOW--the Lord was speaking directly to my spirit and I am so eternally gratefully that out of the billions of people in the world, He makes time for me. Time to whisper tender mercies to my heart and gently remind me of the what is most important in my life. And the best part is, His gentle reminder did not make me feel guilty, and guilt is something that I feel all-too-easily sometimes. Maybe it's because I'm a woman, some might say it's because I'm a
mormon woman, but there are days where
guilt is my default emotion. But in this case, instead, I just felt His love for me, and His desire for me to feel good about the things I'm doing in my life. I came home, made a list
(man, do I love lists!) and over the nearly two weeks that I've been home I'm proud to say I've made an effort--a real effort--to make the inspired changes I felt I needed to and I've felt so peaceful about it. It's borne testimony to me that God truly does answer our prayers...even if it's not the prayers we think we're going to have answered.

Wow, it sounds like you had a great experience! I've never been to Women's Conference before, but I have definitely been inspired now.
BTW, Dixie is the best. I love that picture of her! :)
I feel the same way you did about having that moment that you just know this is the exact thing that I came for to hear! I loved it so much, I think that it would be fun to get all us Kremin girls and go! How much fun would that be! I love you! Have a good day
So neat. I'm glad you had such a great experience. WC is one of those things I always hear about and know that I ought to attend one of these times, but something always gets in the way. You make me want to go more than ever!
Wow...it sounds awesome, I've heard nothing but amazing things from everyone that I know of that was able to attend. This is so something that I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to go to...I definately need to next year. I just need to find some people to go with me.
I'm glad that you came home with some answers to your prayers...that is priceless!
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