Anyone that has known us since we first became homeowners in 2003 has no doubt noticed the empty greeting they've received as they've entered either of our homes. Except for a piano, we have never had "front room furniture". It was especially painfully obvious in AZ, because our front room was combined with a dining room, making it an extra large room with 12-foot ceilings it was near-ridiculous to walk into the house and see nothing but a piano and carpet! I, of course, have always wanted furniture, but we could never justify spending the money. And it took a long time before it was something Brett really wanted. To him, "front room furniture" was only used when Visiting or Home Teachers came, so "what's the point?" Anyway, a couple weeks ago, Brett and his coworker were talking about the coworker's upcoming yard sale. Neighbors of his had asked if they could sell their loveseat and chair at the yardsale. Brett saw picture and price tag and VOILA!
We now would like to proudly & officially
welcome you into our FRONT ROOM.
We'd love to show it off in person--come stop by sometime!
And it feels so good to say,
"Won't you please sit down?"

Above: View From the Kitchen
Below: View from the bookshelf.
To the left of where I'm standing is our front door and to the
right of where I'm standing is the entry to the kitchen

I should have taken a before picture, just so you could see how much better it looks now, but hopefully the AFTERS will be enough. I can't tell you what it has done to that room. Have you ever had a room that you hate? Where every time you pass by it, your good mood is struck down a notch or two? That was my front room. It felt so empty, and I don't mean just physically. Now it has a warmth to it. It's welcoming and has done wonders to make our house feel more like a home! (Best of all, it was only $200 for microfiber furniture that really was in great shape...I love that the color is a neutral, soft tan, too.)
I can't wait to come and test it out! It looks fantastic!
This post made me smile. I can recall a few times you mentioning the no furniture living room when you were living over her. I'm so happy for you!
By the way, I was totally thinking of you too and the babysitting swaps! :P
those look great! way to go guys!
i'm sorry but there's nothing like a hot deal, too!
LOVE IT! I am so glad you found a good deal. Don't you love that???
We were at Lagoon all last week and as we drove through N. SL I thought of you.
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