On the back of our pantry door I have a list of chores the kids can do to earn money. Halle has been saving her pennies to buy a new clock/radio/CD player for her room. She's got $7 out of $10 earned already ($10 is Mom's special price). Let me tell you...at the rate she's going, she's not going to have to do any more chores to make up the $3 difference! In the past month, the tooth fairy has paid her for three, yes THREE, chompers! She's losing teeth left and right! I keep teasing her that soon all she'll be able to eat is applesauce and pudding! The third tooth (the bottom one) she lost at school, which made it all the more EXCITING!
Too cute!!!
Now she can drink soda through a straw without even opening her mouth!!!
Halle!!!!! I really wanted you to lose that tooth while I was there you little stinker. That tooth fairy really pays good huh.
Halle!!!!! I really wanted you to lose that tooth while I was there you little stinker. That tooth fairy really pays good huh.
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