In January, Brett and I loaded up the kids so we could drive up to Rexburg for my great-nephew, Jack's baby blessing. We were going to stop at my brother's house in Layton, where my parents were and caravan together. We made it out of the driveway and to the stop sign when Carson threw up. Lovely. Turning around, we unloaded Carson and Brett who were now destined to spend a vomitous weekend together while I took the kids, and now my parents in my car, up to FREEEEZING Idaho. Our trip may have gotten off to a smelly start, but in all it was wonderful! This was definitely a special occasion as it took a lot to get little Jack-Jack here. Very emotional and I was filled with such gratitude and happiness for Jeramy and Shannon. Don't you love the picture of Shan and I above? We had to laugh because we had on the SAME SHIRT! Just different colors. And no, that was not planned. Our minds are just so in synch! Here are some pix after the blessing as well as when we went to dinner at Frontier Pies with the most of the Mecham gang.

(Doesn't Jack look just like his daddy? He's Jeramy's mini-me!)
Love you, Lane!
Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!!!
Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!!!
1 comment:
um i think it's really weird that you're a great aunt.
Yay Shannon! He's beautiful.
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