Friday, May 29, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
thanks, n@.

Thursday, May 21, 2009
elder baconator.
"Oh, man...Tanner loves these. I mean, seriously LOVES these."
So we got the camera out of my purse. Then we mailed a photo of it to Brazil as a special kind of teaser to Elder Taft.
P.S. I personally think this burger looks gross. Has anyone tried it? Like it? Love it? Hate it?
So we got the camera out of my purse. Then we mailed a photo of it to Brazil as a special kind of teaser to Elder Taft.
P.S. I personally think this burger looks gross. Has anyone tried it? Like it? Love it? Hate it?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
a kind act of service.
Monday, May 18, 2009
matters of the heart.
So last night (a.k.a. early this morning) was interesting, to say the least. Yesterday at 8:30 p.m. I returned home from a weekend in Vegas with Brett (to be blogged about later), delighted to see my kids, who had been spoiled and excellently taken care of by their Grandpa John and Grandma Dixie. I couldn't have been happier to see them! I got home about their bedtime, but selfishly couldn't send them to the land of nod without some snuggle time. We read stories and cuddled on the couch watching the first half of the old Parent Trap movie until 10:00. By then I figured I'd better be a good parent and finally let them get some rest since a school day loomed over the horizon. Besides, I was ready for bed myself. We all quickly finished the bedtime routine and by 10:20, the kids had been tucked in and I crawled between the sheets. It didn't take long before I was out.
Suddenly, at almost exactly 11:00, I sat up in bed, grabbing my chest with this incredibly painful "pinching" sensation at my heart. Panicking that no other adult was in the house to help me, I reached for the phone and in a knee-jerk reaction dialed "9-1-1". The operator answered and the pain was so severe I could barely muster out "I'm having chest pains". She asked from what city I was calling and after I told her she said she'd transfer me to North Salt Lake's dispatch center. By the time the transfer went through, I'd been awake for about 60 seconds and the pain had finally subsided. At this point, what do you do? I no longer had pain, but my heart was racing. However, was it racing because there was truly something wrong or was it fast because I felt panicky and full of adrenaline? I spoke with the operator and explained how I'd felt, but that now I wasn't sure I needed medical attention anymore. He didn't want to take any chances and said he'd already dispatched an ambulance and that he believed I should be checked out. I'm feeling like the biggest idiot at this point, so I say to him, "Can you at least tell them to turn the sirens off?" He made no promises but said he would try.
With every minute that passed I felt more and more like I'd overreacted, but at the same time very unnerved at what I'd just experienced. Just what the heck was that??? While I waited for the ambulance, Wyatt woke up with a nightterror, so I put him back down and tried calling Brett in Las Vegas. Just as I was dialing, the ambulance (with no sirens, thankfully, but an obnoxiously loud engine) parked in front of the house. I opened the door to see two paramedics anxiously waiting to treat a patient who they probably assumed was in much worse shape. Feeling very sheepish I explained how the dispatcher had insisted they come and they tried their best to make me feel like it was better to be safe than sorry. They checked my blood pressure and pulse and asked a billion questions, finally to conclude that at least at that moment, I was "normal". Then they were on their way, with a final reassurance that I should not hesitate to call again if the symptoms returned.
Too wound up to sleep, I called Brett--just hearing his voice on the other end of the line was a major comfort. We talked for a while and I poured out how I wasn't feeling pain any more, but that I still felt weird, kind of "out of sorts". Just that something was off. I was torn as to what I should do and confessed I was afraid to go back to bed in case we had a repeat of before. Finally convincing me to just put in a movie or something, we hung up. Within twenty minutes, my uneasy feeling began to escalate and my heart began to race. Feeling short of breath, something inside me said I shouldn't fool around with this and that I needed to get to a hospital. I contemplated calling a neighbor since I wasn't 100% sure I should be driving, but then realized I needed someone with the kids, too. Poor John and Dixie got a phone call from me around midnight.
I'm so grateful for a good family and incredible support system. I know they were exhausted after having the kids all weekend, so to be awakened in the night like that was a great deal for me to ask. My only hope is that at least Dixie got a little sleep, since thankfully (and surprisingly) my kids never woke up through this entire ordeal. She has her piano recital later today, though, and I feel I've deprived her now of the energy she would have liked to have had for that. Hopefully it goes okay.
My heart continued to race and although I wasn't in pain, the only thing I can describe is that I felt like my heart was working very, very hard. It lasted for about 20 minutes, subsiding just a couple minutes before John & Dixie arrived.
John drove me to Intermountain Medical Center in Murray where we checked into the Emergency Room. It was nice to find it a slow night, and they took us right back. They jumped into a whole gamut of tests, poking and prodding (translation: $$$ CHUH-CHING $$$!!!). They ran bloodwork,
since my bloodwork indicated a possibility of blood clots. That obviously made me very nervous. It wasn't something I was expecting to hear as a possible diagnosis, but in a way it had made some sense since I had travelled so much this weekend, and Saturday after walking the strip all day, I'd had an experience where my feet had swollen up to a laughable state and remained such for 24 hours. Imagine my relief when the CT scan showed normal lungs with no signs of clotting. At that point, there was really nothing more they could do. It was 3:30 a.m., I'd gotten very little sleep, John had gotten even less sitting in a typically uncomfortable hospital chair. So they sent me home.
It's a frustrating situation: on one hand, I'm relieved of course that there seems to be nothing to diagnose, but on the other hand, it's extremely unnerving. Especially since I still felt that "uncomfortable" feeling in my left chest even as I was being discharged. I still can't help but wonder what was happening to my body and if I should have been doing more. But what? They pretty much did everything you can do short of open-heart surgery in the ER. Uneasy and a little afraid, I did the best I could by saying a prayer asking Heavenly Father to either help put my mind at ease by taking away the feelings in my chest, or to help me know definitively if I should pursue the matter further by going to another doctor today. When I woke up this morning, the feeling was still there to a certain degree, but definitely not like it was last night. After talking with Brett, we decided I would make some phone calls and see if another doctor could review last night's test results just to make sure we didn't miss anything. In the mean time, I'll just keep praying that the Lord will take care of me and hope that I'm in tune with what He's trying to tell me. I've never, EVER dealt with anything like this before. The fact that my kids slept through it almost makes it seem like last night was just a dream. A very bizarre, very scary dream. Hopefully it was a one-time deal...but it sure puts a person on edge.
Suddenly, at almost exactly 11:00, I sat up in bed, grabbing my chest with this incredibly painful "pinching" sensation at my heart. Panicking that no other adult was in the house to help me, I reached for the phone and in a knee-jerk reaction dialed "9-1-1". The operator answered and the pain was so severe I could barely muster out "I'm having chest pains". She asked from what city I was calling and after I told her she said she'd transfer me to North Salt Lake's dispatch center. By the time the transfer went through, I'd been awake for about 60 seconds and the pain had finally subsided. At this point, what do you do? I no longer had pain, but my heart was racing. However, was it racing because there was truly something wrong or was it fast because I felt panicky and full of adrenaline? I spoke with the operator and explained how I'd felt, but that now I wasn't sure I needed medical attention anymore. He didn't want to take any chances and said he'd already dispatched an ambulance and that he believed I should be checked out. I'm feeling like the biggest idiot at this point, so I say to him, "Can you at least tell them to turn the sirens off?" He made no promises but said he would try.

With every minute that passed I felt more and more like I'd overreacted, but at the same time very unnerved at what I'd just experienced. Just what the heck was that??? While I waited for the ambulance, Wyatt woke up with a nightterror, so I put him back down and tried calling Brett in Las Vegas. Just as I was dialing, the ambulance (with no sirens, thankfully, but an obnoxiously loud engine) parked in front of the house. I opened the door to see two paramedics anxiously waiting to treat a patient who they probably assumed was in much worse shape. Feeling very sheepish I explained how the dispatcher had insisted they come and they tried their best to make me feel like it was better to be safe than sorry. They checked my blood pressure and pulse and asked a billion questions, finally to conclude that at least at that moment, I was "normal". Then they were on their way, with a final reassurance that I should not hesitate to call again if the symptoms returned.
Too wound up to sleep, I called Brett--just hearing his voice on the other end of the line was a major comfort. We talked for a while and I poured out how I wasn't feeling pain any more, but that I still felt weird, kind of "out of sorts". Just that something was off. I was torn as to what I should do and confessed I was afraid to go back to bed in case we had a repeat of before. Finally convincing me to just put in a movie or something, we hung up. Within twenty minutes, my uneasy feeling began to escalate and my heart began to race. Feeling short of breath, something inside me said I shouldn't fool around with this and that I needed to get to a hospital. I contemplated calling a neighbor since I wasn't 100% sure I should be driving, but then realized I needed someone with the kids, too. Poor John and Dixie got a phone call from me around midnight.
I'm so grateful for a good family and incredible support system. I know they were exhausted after having the kids all weekend, so to be awakened in the night like that was a great deal for me to ask. My only hope is that at least Dixie got a little sleep, since thankfully (and surprisingly) my kids never woke up through this entire ordeal. She has her piano recital later today, though, and I feel I've deprived her now of the energy she would have liked to have had for that. Hopefully it goes okay.
My heart continued to race and although I wasn't in pain, the only thing I can describe is that I felt like my heart was working very, very hard. It lasted for about 20 minutes, subsiding just a couple minutes before John & Dixie arrived.

since my bloodwork indicated a possibility of blood clots. That obviously made me very nervous. It wasn't something I was expecting to hear as a possible diagnosis, but in a way it had made some sense since I had travelled so much this weekend, and Saturday after walking the strip all day, I'd had an experience where my feet had swollen up to a laughable state and remained such for 24 hours. Imagine my relief when the CT scan showed normal lungs with no signs of clotting. At that point, there was really nothing more they could do. It was 3:30 a.m., I'd gotten very little sleep, John had gotten even less sitting in a typically uncomfortable hospital chair. So they sent me home.
It's a frustrating situation: on one hand, I'm relieved of course that there seems to be nothing to diagnose, but on the other hand, it's extremely unnerving. Especially since I still felt that "uncomfortable" feeling in my left chest even as I was being discharged. I still can't help but wonder what was happening to my body and if I should have been doing more. But what? They pretty much did everything you can do short of open-heart surgery in the ER. Uneasy and a little afraid, I did the best I could by saying a prayer asking Heavenly Father to either help put my mind at ease by taking away the feelings in my chest, or to help me know definitively if I should pursue the matter further by going to another doctor today. When I woke up this morning, the feeling was still there to a certain degree, but definitely not like it was last night. After talking with Brett, we decided I would make some phone calls and see if another doctor could review last night's test results just to make sure we didn't miss anything. In the mean time, I'll just keep praying that the Lord will take care of me and hope that I'm in tune with what He's trying to tell me. I've never, EVER dealt with anything like this before. The fact that my kids slept through it almost makes it seem like last night was just a dream. A very bizarre, very scary dream. Hopefully it was a one-time deal...but it sure puts a person on edge.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
park it.
Over the Easter weekend, Brett's
sister Ashlee was in town with her family.
We love them and had a ball going to
Bountiful park with Ash & her little man, Jace!

This is Brett giving a Monkey Bar pep talk to Halle.
For some reason, she's intimidated by the Monkey Bars.
Every time we go to the park, she has this longing look
in her eye--it's obvious it's something she'd like
to master...she's just got to get up the courage to try.

The boys walked circles around this tree
for a good twenty minutes!
sister Ashlee was in town with her family.
We love them and had a ball going to
Bountiful park with Ash & her little man, Jace!
For some reason, she's intimidated by the Monkey Bars.
Every time we go to the park, she has this longing look
in her eye--it's obvious it's something she'd like
to master...she's just got to get up the courage to try.
for a good twenty minutes!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
If you're a fan of any of the following:
* period pieces/films with an exceedingly British flair based on
* classic literature, more specifically: Jane Austen.
(Persuasion was Austen's final complete work, published after her death. I find this telling and incredibly romantic!)
* the Thompson sisters (as in the incomparable Emma & Sophie)
* an understated heroine who is "intelligent, quiet, and generously caring"
* irresistible romance
* chivalry
* star-crossed lovers
* second chances
* undying love
...then you need to rush out and buy this movie, which just so happens to be on sale at the Bountiful Shopko right now for a mere $9.99! Totally made my week to finally have it in my possession!
In case you need further persuasion, here are my favorite quotes of the movie:
Captain Harvile: "I won't allow it to be any more man's nature than women's to be inconstant or to forget those they love or have loved. I believe the reverse. I believe... Let me just observe that all histories are against you, all stories, prose, and verse. I do not think I ever opened a book in my life which did not have something to say on women's fickleness."
Anne Elliot: "But they were all written by men... If I may, so long as the woman you love lives, and lives for you, all the privilege I claim for my own sex, and it is not a very enviable one - you need not covet it, is that of loving longest when all hope is gone."
Anne Elliot: "Are you here for the concert?"
Captain Wentworth: "No, I am here for a lecture on navigation. Am I in the wrong place?"
And finally, the BEST part of the entire movie...
Captain Wentworth: ...(Yeah, right! As if I'd give you the best part and spoil the entire film! Go out and watch it for yourself. You'll know the part of which I speak the moment you hear Captain Wentworth's driven whispers.)
* classic literature, more specifically: Jane Austen.
(Persuasion was Austen's final complete work, published after her death. I find this telling and incredibly romantic!)
* the Thompson sisters (as in the incomparable Emma & Sophie)
* an understated heroine who is "intelligent, quiet, and generously caring"
* irresistible romance
* chivalry
* star-crossed lovers
* second chances
* undying love
...then you need to rush out and buy this movie, which just so happens to be on sale at the Bountiful Shopko right now for a mere $9.99! Totally made my week to finally have it in my possession!

Captain Harvile: "I won't allow it to be any more man's nature than women's to be inconstant or to forget those they love or have loved. I believe the reverse. I believe... Let me just observe that all histories are against you, all stories, prose, and verse. I do not think I ever opened a book in my life which did not have something to say on women's fickleness."
Anne Elliot: "But they were all written by men... If I may, so long as the woman you love lives, and lives for you, all the privilege I claim for my own sex, and it is not a very enviable one - you need not covet it, is that of loving longest when all hope is gone."
Anne Elliot: "Are you here for the concert?"
Captain Wentworth: "No, I am here for a lecture on navigation. Am I in the wrong place?"
And finally, the BEST part of the entire movie...
Captain Wentworth: ...(Yeah, right! As if I'd give you the best part and spoil the entire film! Go out and watch it for yourself. You'll know the part of which I speak the moment you hear Captain Wentworth's driven whispers.)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
it was wicked good.
For Christmas, John & Dixie generously gave their children tickets to the National Tour of "Wicked". Unlike most people (women) I was actually unfamiliar with the majority of songs and storyline (I had seen Kristin Chenowith perform "Popular" on the Today Show, but that was the extent of my "Wicked" exposure). Now that I've seen the play and heard the incredible music by Stephen Schwartz, I can certainly understand why so many were hooked (some even obsessed). It's hard to choose, but I think my favorite song was, "I'm Not That Girl" (see YOUTUBE video below). It was fun to share this "evening of culture" with my best friend and sweetheart, Bretty Boy. In addition to our fabulous tickets, we, along with Brett's siblings and their spouses, were also treated beforehand to a yummy steak dinner by my in-laws. It really was a fun night--what a great gift to receive. Thanks, Mom & Dad!
all 7 of us, but it turned out fuzzy.
Hopefully somebody else's
camera got a good photo???
* * * * *
Can you imagine that deduction coming from this family?
Shocker. :)
We saw several people from our ward and as luck
would have it, next to my seat was none
other than Lisa Glassey from Foxboro...couldn't have
asked for a better "Wicked" neighbor!
Monday, May 4, 2009
more s'mores, please!
I know it's not summer yet,
but I just have to say I love it.
I love it because it means we can do things
like this--cooking hot dogs and s'mores
over a fire pit in Grandpa's back yard.

I love how the kids get all messy with the sugary marshmallows
and then continue to play, despite the dirt and grass
that is attracted to their sticky fingers!
The kids aren't the only ones who
get messy with the marshmallows.
but I just have to say I love it.
I love it because it means we can do things
like this--cooking hot dogs and s'mores
over a fire pit in Grandpa's back yard.
and then continue to play, despite the dirt and grass
that is attracted to their sticky fingers!
get messy with the marshmallows.
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Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson