a kind act of service.
I've been very touched to know Mr. Robert Barrus, an elderly gentleman who volunteers his time every Wednesday in my daughter's classroom to help children learn to read. The children love him! They actually wait in line to read with him! You can tell he has become a pseudo-grandfather to many, to one blonde boy in particular who obviously feels comfortable with Mr. Barrus and will only read with him. This man is tender and loving towards these children, making them laugh with the silly jokes he makes or boosting their self-esteem by complimenting them on their "pretty pigtails" or improvement in reading. At first I thought he might have a grandchild in the class, but through our conversations I have since learned that in his ward an announcement was made that local elementary schools did not have enough parents volunteering to assist in classrooms during reading time. Although he must have other things he could be doing with his time, he has chosen to serve his community and a future generation in this dedicated way. I feel privileged to have worked with him over the past school year (I volunteer every other Wednesday) and because I know he'll never read this, I'm hoping to come up with some small token I can give him to express my gratitude for his kind and selfless service. Any ideas?
"The democracy will cease to exist when you TAKE AWAY from those who are willing to work AND GIVE to those who would not."
Thomas Jefferson
A handwritten thank you book with each child's picture.
The children could write a little sentence about thanks, loving him, etc. showing him what he is DOING to help them. Put their note on a page with their pic. Work but meaningful when I received one.
It was scrapped on chipboard, but posterboard would work held together with metal rings.
The teacher would have to give you 20 minutes, but would probably be grateful to help you if she appreciates him as much as I expect.
An apron with handprints for BBQing is special and easier. You can paint them or trace them with marker and they write their name inside.
A Grandpa of the year award given in class with a little 20 minute ceremony and treat time. He could do a VIP intro, explaining about him, or you do things like..."We like you because..."
He sounds so special, I think it's great you appreciate him.
What an amazing man. I was touched to hear his story. What an example to the rest of us.
we need an update on your condition!!
or you could call me.
or i could call you.
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