faster than a Thanksgiving dinner!
Here's what we we've been up to:
After two years of a nasty court battle, we finally saw
our first check after winning our civil suit against our
water softener company (all those contemplating
signing with Aspen Water, beware!).
Now if we could just get them to come pick up their equipment
and give us our final check, this will all be behind us at last!

Wyatt had a hot date to his preschool's Thanksgiving Feast.
It's so fun having grandparents close by!
The students put on a little program.
Wyatt's part was "I see a green bud on a spring tree".

In other November happenings, Carson discovered the joy of dressing up in women's clothing! Doesn't he make a beautiful princess? (To defend his manhood, however, I must admit he was pretty ticked about me taking this picture. He liked the idea of it, even smiled for it, but then once he saw it played back to him, I think he realized how ridiculous he looked and was upset I'd taken advantage of the moment. I don't care, though. Someday I'll need good blackmail material and this is GOLDEN!)

We had our favorite girlfriend, Maryn, over to make
Pilgrim Hat Cookies for a Thanksgiving craft.
Thanks to Grandma K. for hooking us up with the recipe!

Breaking News!
In a surprise move made by our #1 Utah Fan,
Wyatt officially decided binkies were (finally) for babies
and threw all of them away. Needles to say,
this. was. major.

I surprised Brett and the kids with a "staycation" in Sandy. We played at the Living Planet Aquarium, which was totally awesome. Brett even pet a sting ray (the rest of us were too chicken). Then we ate at Lonestar and enjoyed a fabulous hotel room at the Country Inn & Suites where we watched a movie together. I would highly recommend this place. It was beautiful, the staff was friendly and accomodating, they had complementary warm cookies, and a pretty good breakfast buffet, too. It was nice to get away and have some time together as a family, and like Brett said on the way home, "It's great to get the perks of a vacation without the long drive!"

Of course our grand finale to November was our Thanksgiving dinner at John & Dixie's. As usual, their meal was incredibly delicious! Mom had decorated so nicely with a beautiful table setting and fun surprises for the kids. They had just gotten this foosball table, which the kids went nuts over. It was also wonderful to have that time with Grandma Bauerle as well. This is her first holiday season without Grandpa, and we feel very mindful of that. We hope the promises of the season will bring her more comfort than loneliness and that she knows how much she means to us.

enjoying the joyful feelings and gathering that accompany it!

(P.S. Useless November trivia my husband will appreciate:
On November 30th,
Scotland celebrates St. Andrews Day.
There you go, honey: a reason to close banks and post offices
in humble homage to your beloved club-and-ball sport.)
I need a staycation! What a fun month! Brett looks awesome bythewya!!!
Um... your husband is the incredible shrinking man! Holy smokes! What a fun idea to have a "staycation" We could all use some focused family time, right?
That sounds great we should all get that day off.
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