Halle, you are 8 1/2 years old.
Here are some of your favorite things:
Brady Bunch reruns
High School Musical & Hannah Montana
Brady Bunch reruns
High School Musical & Hannah Montana
(You also love "iCarly" but your
mean mom won't let you watch it. Pardon me if I'm
bothered by the fact that a show marketed towards tweens
constantly refers to 'being in love' and 'making out'...)
Kiwis & Strawberries
Fiber One Cinnamon Squares
& Honey Graham Oh's cereals
(particularly Caesar)
Writing Stories & Poems
Reading Books
Dancing & Singing
Writing Stories & Poems
Reading Books
Dancing & Singing
(you love listening to CDs on your
little player & shakin' your booty to the
music in your room) 
Your Scriptures
Teaching others.

Your Scriptures
Teaching others.
Teaching anyone who will listen to you, and teaching them anything.
For example, you decided to teach the little girls
down the street to play the piano and you actually did it!
They can play a little ditty, all by themselves, thanks to you!
Shirley Temple Movies
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