Carson's Crew (l. to r.):
Anna Luke, Tanner Marsh, Mason Taft, Carson,
Lincoln Hodge, Preston Aune, Caleb Jacobson, Benjamin Bodily
Toy Story Birthday Party

"Buzz, Buzz, Woody"
(Duck, Duck, Goose)-

The little green army men were hiding around the house watching to see what Carson got for his birthday just like they watched Andy on his birthday in the movie TOY STORY. The kids had to run around and see who could find the most!

Putting Mr. Potato Head together blindfolded produced some pretty silly results!

Thank heavens we had Grandma Dixie there to help with the party!
Alien Cookies!
Love this!! The party looks awesome - the games (I mean, blindfolded Mr. Potato Head? How awesome is that? And the soldiers creeping around the party.) And the cookies - did you make those? Super awesome. And, I love the cake, too. Good job, and Happy Birthday, Carson!
Sooo cute! This reminds me of when I was staying at your house and I said I wanted to see that, and wondered when it came out and he knew the EXACT date. hahaha! Miss ya!
You are always so creative! How lucky those kids are to have you for a mom! Can't believe "baby Carson" is four--wow!
oh those cookies are the coolest!
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