Yes, I realize my strategy is a total cop-out and that I'm actually spotlighting 3 movies instead of just one, but who says I can't cheat a little? There are a lot of great movies out there. Besides, it's my blog, right?
Sandra Bullock is so the girl-next-door. Always having her principles, but also so afraid of disappointing that she's constantly trying to please everyone around her, which is exactly what gets her in trouble 9 times out of 10.
"While You Were Sleeping"
I've gotta admit, I'm not the biggest Bill Pullman fan. However, the characters that make this show for me are Grandma Elsie and her camera flashing every ten seconds (not to mention her infamous egg nog), Joe "Joey" Fusco, Jr. with his wifebeater and Ice Capades tickets, and Ox Callaghan, played brilliantly by the late Peter Boyle who most recognize from "Everybody Loves Raymond". And don't forget about the unnamed character who is in the 2nd-best scene of the show: The Newspaper Delivery boy who's bike slips on the ice early in the morning. Only about five seconds, but that part kills me! Of course, the very best scene in this movie is the dinner scene with about a gazillion different conversations going at once:
"John Wayne was tall."
"John Wayne wasn't Cuban."
"Ricky Ricardo was Cuban."
"Ricky Ricardo never rode a horse in his life."
"These mashed potatoes are so creamy!"
Then of course there's Hugh Grant's romantic comedies. I know some people don't care for him, but I think he is hilarious. I love his dry, British sense of humor--and who can pass up those sleepy, sexy eyes???
And it was fun to get a soundbite of his singing voice (not bad, actually) in:

"Music & Lyrics"
Alex Fletcher is a washed up 80's pop star who has a chance for a major comeback when he is asked to write a song for a "Britney Spears"-type diva. The problem is that he's never been all that great with lyrics. Enter Sophie Fisher, his plant lady who has a way with words. Over the course of writing the tune, they naturally fall for each other. Alex shows Sophie how to let go of her past failed relationships and trust again, and Sophie on the other hand helps Alex learn that he doesn't just have to live in the past--he can create a great future for himself as well, with her. I also love Sophie's sister, played by the self-depracating Kristen Johnston, who's character was obsessed with Alex's 80's band, PoP--which has a striking resemblance to Wham!. Hugh Grant's dance moves cracked me up, especially when he injures himself when as a 40-something he is trying to pull off 20-something maneuvers! The soundtrack was awesome. I bought it as soon as it came out--Brett even surprised me and put it as my ringtone.
And now, coming full-circle, I must talk about the combined Hugh Grant/Sandra Bullock flick, in which I feel as
a team they totally knocked it out of the park. I'm talking about, of course:

"Two Weeks Notice"
In some ways, Hugh may have played the world's worst boss, demanding not just 9-5 from you, but 24 hours, 365 days per year-dedication! On the other hand, who wouldn't want to work for Mr. Grant? I really enjoyed seeing his character come into his own, really growing up over the course of the movie. By the way, this is at least the second time Sandra has played a LUCY (the first being "While You Were Sleeping"). A couple of my favorite quotes:
[talking about a leather belt]
George Wade: What do you think of this? Too ornate? Or do you think it's... beltacular.
Lucy Kelson: I think your the most selfish human being on the planet.
George Wade: Well that's just silly. Have you met everybody on the planet?
Helen Wade: Would you like anything?
George Wade: I'd love some Milk Duds.
Helen Wade: We don't have any, I could send out for one.
George Wade: Oh, no, don't be ridiculous. If you're going to send out, get a whole box.
George Wade: This apartment is amazingly small. [walks off]
George Wade: [comes back] It's a good thing your parents went to the movies, we would never have been able to squeeze in. [walks off]
George Wade: [comes back] Did you know it only takes me six seconds to walk across the entire apartment? Watch. [walks off]
OK...So which one of these movies is your favorite?
I love them all!!! although, two weeks notice is so hilarious. I too love Hugh Grant... I like that we have the same taste in movies, I'm looking forward to your next pick!!!!
Shanna Zumwalt
Hey girl... I found your darling blog! Blogs are such a great way to stay in touch! I am excited to see you and chat at the get together in March.
We own and love all three of these movies. Great picks!
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