I remember as a teenager enjoying the occasional "Anne Saturday" with my mom, where we'd do nothing but sit back and watch both (the 3rd installment wasn't out yet) 3-hour videos of the Anne movies.
I've seen other television and movie versions of Montgomery's books and I just don't think any of them hold a candle to Megan Follows' "Anne". She was perfectly cast and brought the character to life in a way that I think Lucy Maud Montgomery had in mind when she published her stories in 1908. And anyone who has also seen it will not disagree that Jonathan Crombie was the ideal Gilbert. Focused, reliable, unselfish and down-to-earth, yet incredibly handsome and alluring. (If you'd like a moment to drool, scroll down to see his picture.) Who doesn't love the angsty gazebo scene??? Just say it: You love each other!
The journeys that Gilbert and Anne take individually before they finally find their way back to one another is magical and romantic. It's also got a lot of humor thrown in. Seriously, if you haven't seen these movies, make it a top priority! Set aside an afternoon/evening to watch them--you can find them at movie rental stores and most libraries. You'll be so glad you did! And they are appropriate for anyone in the family. Younger children most likely wouldn't be able to follow the story line, but it's just nice to know that even if they are in the room, they will not be exposed to anything even close to crossing the line.
It's jam-packed with memorable quotes, but since we are centered around the romance of the movie, here are the ones that give me the most butterflies:

Anne Shirley: I promise I'll always be here if you need me. Good friend are always together in spirit. Let's not change Gil, let's just go on being good friends.
Gilbert Blythe: Friends, huh? I thought we were kindred spirits.
Anne Shirley: Fred is... extremely good.
Marilla Cuthbert: That is exactly what he should be! Would you want to marry a wicked man?
Anne Shirley: Well, I wouldn't marry anyone who was really wicked, but I think I'd like it if he could be wicked and wouldn't. Ha Ha! I love that!
Anne Shirley: Our friendship, it won't ever be the same now. Why can't he just be sensible instead of acting like a sentimental schoolboy?
Marilla Cuthbert: Because he loves you.
Anne Shirley: He loves me? I can't know why.
Marilla Cuthbert: Because you made Josie Pye and Ruby Gillis and all of those wishy-washy young ladies who waltzed by him look like spineless nothings.
Anne Shirley: Marilla, he's hardly my idea of a romantic suitor.
Marilla Cuthbert: Anne, you have tricked something out of that imagination of yours that you call romance. Have you forgotten how he gave up the Avonlea school for you so that you could stay here with me? He picked you up everyday in his carriage so that you could study your courses together. Don't toss it away for some ridiculous ideal that doesn't exist.
I don't want diamond sunbursts, or marble halls. I just want you.
What are your favorite parts of the ANNE movies?
I just finished reading the books for the first time... you got me pumped up to see the movies now!
I love all of the Anne movies!! I have fond memories of having Anne movie marathons with my mom and sister!
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