Our Thanksgiving weekend in Vernal didn't start out very funny, however. On our way out there, we stopped at Dairy Keen in Heber (you know, the "train" restaurant) to eat dinner. Afterwards, we missed seeing a large truck in our blindspot as we were leaving the parking lot, and as a result backed up into the front of it. Brett went inside the restaurant and talked to all the customers and employees, but could not find the truck owner. It had only gotten a scratch (our vehicle definitely got the raw end of the deal), but we did not want to leave without owning up to our mistake. The best we could do at that point was leave a note on the window apologizing and leaving our number. We never did get a call, so they either didn't care or didn't see the note. Oh, well. We couldn't wait around all night. You do the best you can, right?
Here we are in front of the infamous leg lamp, or in other words, "electric sex gleaming in the window".
Poor Carson. Or should I say poor Benson? Carson followed him around all night, trying to make friends. Benson simply wasn't interested. It was funny to watch Carson, being so persistent, and Benson, getting more and more annoyed. Maybe when you're older, boys!


Sing it, baby! Dixie was nice enough to loan me her karaoke machine, which we had a ball with! Believe it or not, I could not find a karaoke CD anywhere, so we made do by singing over other voices (we sounded better anyway, right?). What was Halle's song choice? "All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth", of course! Even Carson took a turn singing "Jingle Bells"! If you weren't singing, you'd have better been dancing!!!

Turn off my player and listen to our "Kremin Idol" contestants!
Professional Bird Carver.

I was lucky enough to "grow up" with my nieces. To this day I count them as some of my dearest, best-est friends!


Laurie and Kristen put together a fun gift-exchange game for the kids. As soon as they rolled doubles on the die, they could open a dollar-store gift. Thanks, ladies! Even the adults got prizes. Here's Joleen with her envied battery-powered travel-size electric whisk. We decided she should keep it in her purse...it would be just as effective as mace!


Oh Hope, I'm SO glad you posted these, and so bummed, dang I wish I could have been there. The Kremin's certainly make every gathering better than the last, I really wish I could have been there dang it... Thanks for posting it!
I'm slightly embarassed but it was too fun to not post about. Love you loads!
Wow! It looks like you had a ton of fun last week (Minus the dent. That stinks!) Glad the rest of the weekend made up for it.
do you still want to go see MoTab?
i got tickets in the mail today for Thursday, Dec. 11th.
email me your address and i will pop them in the mail tomorrow.
kunzfamily at hotmail dot com
So... yeah, we are weirdos and I am embarrassed. But... It was way fun and we do have fun whenever we get together. Can't wait till the next go-round.
Looks like you guys had a blast! MMM did I catch that...did that girl plant a kiss on Wyatt?
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