I feel like we've taken a ride in a time machine and are about to land in 2006, at the peak of the "dark ages" Brett and I and the kids experienced during his last year of the MBA program. When the contraption's door opens, I'm nervous I'll painfully see ourselves back in an all-too familiar routine...anyone who's had a spouse in school will recognize it. Going your different directions, finally seeing each other for the first time each day as you pass, almost like strangers, in the night--one person just getting home, the other just going to bed. Rearranging family outings for the one day of the week you've got together, but also trying to cram in a billion errands & to-do lists.
After much thought and prayer, we agreed Brett should get a second job working nights for the Post Office at their Data Entry center. He applied and was offered the position, starting in January.
.But (and there is a positive "but" here), I keep reminding myself this is a good thing. We're looking at this as temporary (very, very temporary)--a year or just over year. During that time, we're planning on using the extra income to expedite the payment of some debt and also to accrue a more substantial savings to give us comfort should that "rainy day" ever come. No cause for alarm, I assure you...just wanting to have less debt and more reserves. I'm grateful for a husband willing to do whatever it takes to provide for his family, even if it may seem unnecessary to some, he's building security for us. How blessed I am to have him! And so...like many that we know, we're taking extra measures, extra steps, to ensure the stability and comfort of our little family. Wish us luck!
I KNOW YOUR FEELING!!! Isn't it nice to have husband's who are willing to do anything for their family!!!
I love you Hope, I know it'll work out well!
Hope, I remember those days all too well, but they do pass and then you will look back and say,as we did just the other day, "I am glad we had those years." Hang in there you will be glad for all you gain and I don't mean $$$. You're so funny and clever. Love,Wendy
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