This past weekend, our beautiful daughter was baptized. She has now entered in through the gate and is on her way to following the straight and narrow path back to her Heavenly Father. The program was wonderful - great talks & insight, and a gorgeous musical number by my dear friend Heather and fantastic sister-in-law Heidi. The baptism itself was emotional and full of the spirit, as was the confirmation. Brett gave an inspired blessing. I'm incredibly grateful for the Priesthood he lives worthy to hold and to use.
We shared our baptism day with five other children in the stake, one of which was from our own ward. His name is Christian. He and Halle are quite fond of each other and often break into the sillies and giggles!

We had overwhelming support from family and friends. A HUGE Thank You to everyone who came!
Halle is very blessed to have the grandparents that she does. They love her, they are expressive of that love, and have a desire to play a strong role in her life.

Grandparents Kremin and Taft went in together to get Halle her first set of "real" scriptures. They are a beautiful blue and Halle has rarely put them down since. She's fascinated with the idea that these "grown-up" scriptures are hers, and it's spark a blessed interest in them! My mom sewed a very-girly pink paisley scripture cover with all sorts of "secret" pockets, etc! I believe Mom has done this for all the grandkids--I can't tell you how pleased I was she continued the tradition! I caught Halle showing it off more than once to her friends the following Sunday.

Dixie embroidered a fine pink pillow for Halle to decorate her bed. It has scriptures, her baptism date, etc. Truly something Halle will love having in her room! John and Dix also got her the most beautiful little white trunk for her to put her "treasures" in for safe-keeping. It was the neatest idea and so fun!

Brett and I bought Halle a nice ring, to remind her of her baptismal covenants. It's a unique CTR ring, with the butterfly wings holding the reminder. Now that we know it fits, we will take it and have color put into the butterfly (so dirt won't get in) and also have the inside engraved with her baptism date.
Halle had a wonderful surprise: a hand-written letter that came all the way from Brazil! Uncle Tanner was extremely thoughtful and his letter arrived on exactly her baptism day! As you can see, she was thrilled and had a blast reading it.

The celebrations actually began the day before, on her birthday. We opened gifts (Wyatt loved showing Halle the High School Musical stickers he picked out for her) and ate dinner at IHOP with Grandpa & Grandma K.

Bill & Laurie gave her a pretty little bracelet to remind her to CHOOSE THE RIGHT. 
Mom got her this adorable striped shirt. Rose-pink has always been one of my all-time colors on my baby girl.
25-Cent slippers from Wal-Mart's clearance rack. Couldn't pass them up!
Halle and Wyatt cracked us up by the way they
were making the syrups "talk" to each other!
The Monday after the baptism, we completed her eighth birthday with a High School Musical Party. Five of her little girlfriends came and they were so funny together. We started with a get-to-know you game, asking questions about their favorite High School Musical stuff.
Then we played B-O-L-T-O-N
(a.k.a. in the basketball world as H-O-R-S-E)thanks, Heather & Will, for loaning us your hoop & ball
After a couple more games (HSM Bingo, HSM Trivia, and HSM Who-Am-I?), all the girls were anxious for Halle to open gifts.
Her friends picked out fun gifts--it was a hoot to hear them get so excited as she opened their packaging. Each friend had made a homemade card, too. More than one said "Happy Brithday". Second-graders are so cute!
I. Am. Not. A. Cake. Decorator. So I was pretty pleased with my basketball cake.
So was Halle.
She said it was her favorite part,
which warmed her mama's heart!