Happy, Naive Halle...just excited to visit
the doctor and get a sucker.
Thinks it's cool she's getting so much attention.
Likes to show off the warties.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Also, having your little brother push the "panic" button
in the elevator proves to be quite entertaining as well.
(Heard by everyone within earshot of the elevator and lobby,
a computerized voice repeatedly stating:
"Attention! Emergency in Elevator 1, IHC Building South!")
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As a side-note, I just have to add a special bit to this story...
While the dr. was freezing the warts,
Halle was clinging to me as I held her.
I started whisper-singing in her ear her favorite primary song,
A Child's Prayer.
She was still crying, but I was amazed at
how much calmer she became.
She stopped yelling and squirming and began
to take deep breaths through her silent tears.
"The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me..."
I'm grateful He heard a mother's prayer for her child.
Oh my gosh! I so know her pain! It HURTS SO BAD!!! I was crying when I got mine taken off! So glad it's over!!
What a brave girl. Way to go Halle!
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